
AHF Zambia began its work in 2007 at Chikankata Mission Hospital in the Southern Province. Since then, it has partnered with government and community organizations to expand HIV testing and treatment programs across 12 districts. 

AHF Zambia operates mobile testing units offering free rapid HIV testing and condom distribution at public places like markets and bus stations. Through partnerships with local organizations like DAPP, AHF Zambia offers door-to-door testing and counseling, with a focus on index testing, and links those who test positive to care. Additional services include laboratory testing, pharmacies, and training future healthcare workers to care for people living with HIV/AIDS. 

In 2009, AHF Zambia introduced a mobile testing unit to deliver HIV testing, treatment, and condoms to hard-to-reach communities. In 2012, the organization launched the Provider Initiated Counseling and Testing (PICT) program to increase HIV testing by training volunteer counselors who conduct testing at inpatient health clinics. As of December 2024, AHF Zambia provides care and treatment to nearly 158,000 clients. The program is focused on expanding its geographic reach, training more healthcare workers, and further developing the infrastructure of its existing sites. 

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Girls Act empowers girls and young women to stay healthy and thrive! We work to prevent HIV and STI infections, help young women and girls remain on treatment if HIV-positive, reduce unplanned pregnancies, and support them to stay in school.

To learn more about Girls Act or HIV testing, please get in touch with us at [email protected].

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Mr. Martin Matabishi,
Country Program Director
+260 978 646 544 

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AHF Zambia
Plot No. 34559, Katima Mulilo Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia. 
[email protected]

AHF Zambia Facebook

AHF New Masala – Wellness Clinic
Address: Google Maps
+260 77 371 4878

AHF Chifundo – Wellness Clinic
Address: Chifundo Clinic
+260 77 625 9035

AHF Lusungu – Wellness Clinic
Address: Lusungu Art Clinic,  Lusaka
+260 97 307 7395

AHF Zambia – Chifundo Clinic
Information: Google Maps

AHF Zambia – Lusungu Clinic
Information: Google Maps

Clients in Care: 157,818 (as of December 2024)

HIV/AIDS Data for Zambia