Looking For HIV Testing in Estonia? Find HIV Center
AHF has operated in Estonia with help from the Estonian Network of People Living with HIV (EHPV) since early 2009. Through the partnership, people living in areas most affected by the epidemic are able to receive rapid HIV testing, free condoms, and referrals to healthcare providers if they test positive. In 2013, AHF and EHPV opened an HIV treatment clinic at the epicenter of the epidemic, Narva; a city severely impacted by the confluences of socioeconomic depression and widespread drug use. The clinic was the first AHF clinic in the EU and is also a meeting site for support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS.
In Estonia, 1.3 percent of adults are HIV positive — the highest percentage among all the countries in the European Union. Almost half of new infections are due to injecting drug use, although sexual transmission has increased steadily since 2000. Access to free HIV testing and antiretrovirals (ARV) is limited in Estonia, particularly in regions outside the capital city, Tallinn. The lack of availability and high prices of condoms make it difficult to use as an HIV prevention method.
People living with HIV: 11,000*
Adults 15-49 prevalence rate: N/A
Adults 15+ living with HIV: N/A
Women 15+ living with HIV: N/A
Orphans (0-17) due to AIDS: N/A
*Averages, UNAIDS 2016 estimates
In 2016, an estimated 11,000 Estonians are living with HIV, out of the 1.2 million total population. Out of the 11,000 Estonians living with HIV, approximately 3,700 are on treatment.
Sources: UNAIDS 2016 estimates, CIA World Factbook 2016

Kristiina Vainomae
Country Program Manager
[email protected]
Any Integrity Concerns?Let us Know
Linda Kliinik
Linda 4, 6th Floor
Narva, Estonia
Phone: + 372 3569712
Website: lindakliinik.ee
Clients in AHF Care: 483
Clients receiving ART: 425
People living with HIV: 7,100
Adults 15-49 prevalence rate: 0.8%*
Men 15+ living with HIV: 4,300*
Women 15+ living with HIV: 2,800*
*Source: UNAIDS – Estonia – 2020