AHF Ethiopia, with operations in Addis Ababa City Administration and Oromia Regional State currently runs two of its own standalone HIV care facilities namely AHF-Addis and AHF-Kolfe Clinics; supports two NGO and four government health facilities. These care centers are situated in different sub-cities, where a large number of people reside and there is high day-to-day population movement. It is also believed that these areas have relatively higher HIV service needs. Generally, AHF Ethiopia provides free comprehensive HIV care services including Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART), treatment of opportunistic infections, HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT), condom promotion and distribution, tuberculosis; STI diagnosis and management, care for HIV exposed infants and family focused care, integrated family planning services, provision of preventive care package, adolescent psychosocial support, adult adherence support, and nutritional support programs.
To date, AHF Ethiopia has provided HIV care and treatment to 13,036 individuals with its clinics, and supported health facilities of which 373 are children and adolescents. Of these patients enrolled to care, 12,822 have received ART and related treatment support. AHF Ethiopia provided HIV testing to 87,369 individuals in 2018, and 1,206,864 male condoms were distributed alongside other HIV prevention activities the same year.
AHF Ethiopia persistently strives to improve its collaboration with partners and is planning to expand its services to other government and non-government sites and regions. Moreover, we are partnering with local civil society groups to work on HIV service advocacy with the purpose of improving service quality and access for HIV prevention, treatment, and care to the needy beneficiaries. Most importantly, AHF successfully organised an effective CSO Advocacy Alliance through which a number of high-level stakeholder engagements were able to influence high level government entities and policy makers.
Ethiopia has observed remarkable progress over the past two decades in reducing HIV prevalence rate from 3.3 percent in 2000 to 1.0 percent in 2018, and AIDS-related deaths from 83,000 deaths to 15,600 in 2017. Despite this fact, there is still an alarming discrepancy in the HIV burden among regions and urban cities, like Gambella and Addis Ababa, where the prevalence is as high as 5% and 3.4% respectively. The gains made so far seem to be challenged by complacency with regard to primary HIV prevention. The Ethiopian Federal HIV AIDS Prevention and Control Office has recently (late 2018) launched National Prevention Roadmap with the plan to accelerate the efforts to meet the global and national targets in 2020.
With regard to the three 90’s, Ethiopia, as a country with more than 690,000 people living with HIV, has made 79% of the people know their status, 65% of people are on treatment, Data about viral load suppression are lacking.
Sources: UNAIDS 2018 estimate (, HIV Prevention in Ethiopia, National Road Map 2018 – 2020, Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey 2016.
Girls Act empowers girls and young women to stay healthy and thrive! We work to prevent HIV and STI infections, help young women and girls remain on treatment if HIV-positive, reduce unplanned pregnancies, and support them to stay in school. To learn more about Girls Act or HIV testing, please get in touch with us at [email protected].
Dr. Mengistu GebreMichael,
Country Program Manager
[email protected]
Any Integrity Concerns? Let us Know
AHF Ethiopia
Addis Ababa | Bole Sub-city | Haile Gebreselasie Street | P.O. Box-12269.
+ (251) 11 618 8377
+ (251) 93 541 08410
[email protected]
AHF Addis - Wellness Clinic
Address: AHF Addis Clinic: Bole Subcity, Haile Gebereselasie Avenue, Megenagna Lem Hotel area, Next to Panorama Hotel.
Mobile phone: +251943122221
Office: +251116631114
AHF Ethiopia - AHF-Addis Clinic
Information: Google Maps
Adults and children living with HIV: 610,000*
Adults 15-49 prevalence rate: 0.8%*
Adults 15+ living with HIV: 570,000*
Women 15+ living with HIV: 360 000*
Orphans due to AIDS: 280,000*