Looking For HIV Testing in Chile? Find HIV Center
AHF Chile was founded in October 2018 in Santiago City after visits and conversations with local NGOs by Dr. Patricia Campos, AHF Chief of the Latin American & the Caribbean Bureau. The first facility was an HIV testing site located near the historical neighborhood of Santiago.
AHF Chile offers prevention, testing, and linkage to care services, which help undocumented migrants living with HIV access treatment through the National Health System by supporting their enrollment in health insurance. Additionally, AHF Chile has opened a Wellness Center and two new testing sites in the north and south of the country.
AHF Chile, a prominent NGO within the LGBTQIA+ community, offers a safe space for prevention, testing, and linkage to care services. It has led the installation of HIV rapid tests in Chile and actively contributed to a working group for law reform, working with other NGOs to enhance HIV public policies.

Dr. Carlos Becerra
Country Program Manager
Any Integrity Concerns? Let us Know
AHF Chile
Estado 360 4th floor,
Santiago, 8320180,
Región Metropolitana, Chile.
Clients in Care: 3,948 (as of September 2024)
HIV/AIDS Data for Chile