Tell Speaker Pérez And President Pro Tem Steinberg To Support Condom Law Protecting Porn Performers

Send an e-letter TODAY to let Speaker Perez and Pro Tem Steinberg know that you support adult film performer safety and condoms on set!

The landscape around adult film has changed dramatically in the last two weeks, and action to protect adult film performers from disease is more urgent now than it has ever been. A federal court found these protections to be constitutional, and with the recent tragic case of a performer being infected with HIV while performing in an adult film, it is imperative that the Legislature act this year to enact real protections for adult film performers.
Assembly Bill 640, a bill introduced by California Assemblymember Isadore Hall, III will require condom use in all adult films produced in California.
Last year, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the bill’s sponsor, successfully spearheaded Ballot Measure B, the ‘County of Los Angeles Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act,’ – also known as the ‘condoms in porn’ measure, which Los Angeles County voters overwhelmingly approved – 57% to 43% – in the November 2012 election.
Hall and AHF believe workers in the adult film industry are entitled to the same safeguards and worker protections that any employee in California is.
Message Subject: Tell Speaker Pérez And President Pro Tem Steinberg To Support AB 640 Condom Law To Improve Adult Film Worker Safety
Dear [Decision Maker],
I am writing to urge the Legislature act this year to enact real protections for adult film performers by passing AB 640.
The landscape for protection in adult film industry has changed dramatically in light of recent events. On August 21, 2013, a performer in the adult film industry was diagnosed with acute HIV infection. The current situation makes the need for protecting marginalized workers more urgent. Fast legislation is necessary and long overdue to ensure the safety of California workers.
Californians should not be forced to work without protection to keep them from physical harm. Workers in the adult film industry are too easily exploited. AB 640, authored by Assemblymember Isadore Hall III, provides Cal-OSHA much needed tools to protect workers from exposure to disease, including the required use of condoms in adult films. Adult film workers currently are being excluded from the basic workplace health and safety protections we all take for granted. Rather than leaving it to adult film producers to self-regulate, AB 640 will implement effective best practices in an industry that places unrestricted profit above the welfare of workers.
On November 6, 2012 1.6 million Los Angeles residents voted overwhelming in support of requiring condoms in the production of adult film. On August 16, 2013, U.S. District Judge Dean Pregerson ruled that requiring condoms in the adult film industry is constitutional. In doing so, Judge Pregerson declared worker health and safety more valuable than industry profits.
Concerns over infectious disease continue reverberate through the adult film industry. Syphilis, a disease we once thought of a eradicating, continues to be spread as a direct consequence of the adult film industry. Additionally workers continue to be exposed to Hepatitis C. The recent diagnoses of a female performer with HIV only underscores the necessity for immediate action. The risk to workers and the public has never been more pronounced. Infections in the industry are occurring repeatedly with alarming regularity.
Please take urgent and immediate action to ensure the health and safety of Californians by passing AB 640.
Thank you,
