ACTION ALERT: Tell Gilead to Stop Squeezing Every Last Cent Out of Truvada.

In Advocacy, News by AHF

A few interesting facts about drug company Gilead Sciences, Inc.:

  • 81% of all treat HIV-positive individuals (US & European Union) receive a Gilead HIV drug;
  • 90% of patients who are just starting HIV treatment (US & Europe Union) receive a Gilead drug. 
  • Gilead’s revenues topped $8 billion in revenues last year.


Isn’t it time for Gilead to stop holding AIDS care hostage & lower their prices?

 State AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) continue to struggle – with more than 3,000 people nationwide still on waiting lists to receive lifesaving care.


Yet now, Gilead has a “new” drug known as the Quad, which is likely to hit the market later this year.  Quad could cost nearly twice as much as the most expensive drug ADAPs buy, and in some cases 3 times or 4 times more than other drugs.  Not only is the Quad NOT a significant improvement over Gilead’s Atripla – the most prescribed brand – it contains the same active ingredient  – Truvada.  Download this fact sheet for more information on QUAD and ADAP.


Join AIDS Healthcare Foundation and other advocates in telling Gilead to stop squeezing every last cent out of Truvada.

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