Jeremy Zellers is the Deputy Chief Pharmacy Officer and works to maintain the successful operation of AHF’s pharmacy division. Based primarily in Atlanta GA and Ft Lauderdale FL, Jeremy is responsible for reviewing workflow and technologies, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness across all platforms. With direct supervision over AHF Pharmacy’s automated pharmaceutical and informatics teams, Jeremy help a key role in implementing automation, robotics, and multiple software solutions ensuring AHF’s role as a leader in modern pharmacy practice.
After graduating from Duquesne University in 1998, Jeremy dedicated his career to HIV patient care beginning as an HIV specialty pharmacist in 2000 in Washington DC. He emerged as an active leader in the community, teaching patient education classes and leading support groups. Jeremy served as a volunteer speaker for the D.C. Chapter of AETC, as a consultant to the D.C. ADAP Advisory Committee, and recently co-presented the HIV-focused conversation at Asembia, a national specialty pharmacy conference.
Mr Zellers first joined AHF in 2009 as the Pharmacy Manager to open and operate the Washington DC clinic pharmacy. After growing the new location to a successful site, he was appointed to Regional Director of Pharmacy in 2011. In 2016, Jeremy was elevated to Senior Director of Pharmacy Systems Development, and now serves in his current role of Deputy Chief Pharmacy Officer since 2019. Continuing the focus demonstrated throughout his career, Jeremy continues to work closely with AHF’s Legislative and Advocacy teams lobbying for healthcare and medication access for HIV patients and the underserved patient population.