Full-page ad in Sunday’s LA Times invites public to join guided visit to five low-income housing properties
LOS ANGELES (January 5 2024) – AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is opening its doors to the public and inviting people to see how it has renovated historic Los Angeles buildings to create truly affordable permanent housing for low-income people in need.
AHF, through its Healthy Housing Foundation (HHF) division, has been purchasing and renovating historic buildings since 2017 as a faster, less expensive solution to the escalating affordable housing and homelessness crises. So far, AHF has spent $230 million in Los Angeles to buy 15 properties, 13 of which are completed and currently house 1,417 people who otherwise would not be able to afford a permanent place to live. AHF has another 578 units in the pipeline.
The first guided tour will take place on Tuesday, January 9th starting at 9 a.m. Anyone interested can sign up online through the Healthy Housing Foundation website. The tours will continue weekly on Tuesdays.
The approximately two-and-a-half-hour tour will include a visit to five of AHF’s 13 buildings currently housing tenants. Reservations are required.
AHF has placed a full-page ad headlined “LA Times’ War on SROs” in Sunday’s print edition of the Los Angeles Times formally extending the invitation.