Enchanting ’Wizard of Oz’-themed float spotlights AHF’s ‘Healthy Housing Foundation’ efforts to house homeless and extremely low-income individuals throughout Southern California and across the U.S.
Since 2017, AHF’s Healthy Housing Foundation has purchased, refurbished, and repurposed 13 single-room occupancy (SRO) hotels and motels throughout Los Angeles and on Downtown’s Skid Row and created over 1,425 housing units for formerly homeless and extremely-low-income individuals
LOS ANGELES (December 23, 2022) AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)—this year, in partnership with its affiliate organization, the Healthy Housing Foundation—will take part in the Rose Parade® with a float highlighting some of the two organizations’ innovative solutions to address the homeless crisis in Los Angeles, throughout California and across the nation.
AHF’s entry in the 134th Rose Parade presented by Honda is titled “There’s No Place Like Home.”
The storybook “Wizard of Oz”-themed float focuses on AHF’s Healthy Housing Foundation and its work over the past several years to address the homeless crisis in Los Angeles and across the nation. There are now over 69,000 homeless individuals in the 88 cities that comprise Los Angeles County, more than 41,000 of whom are in the City of Los Angeles. Over 151,000 individuals are homeless throughout California, accounting for one-quarter of the nation’s homeless population.
Since 2017, AHF’s Healthy Housing Foundation has purchased, refurbished, and repurposed 13 single-room occupancy (SRO) hotels and motels throughout Los Angeles and on Downtown’s Skid Row and created over 1,425 housing units for formerly homeless and extremely-low-income individuals and families.
AHF’s Healthy Housing Foundation is part of a larger community-based effort to address the exploding housing and homelessness crisis in Los Angeles.