LOS ANGELES (November 14, 2022) AIDS Healthcare Foundation thanked today the government of the United Kingdom for pledging 1 billion pounds over the next three years for the Seventh Replenishment round of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
“We thank the UK government and Prime Minister Sunak for continuing to support the Global Fund despite political challenges and double-digit inflation at home. In an uncertain world, every contribution is vitally important because millions of people, including children, depend on these programs to receive lifesaving HIV, TB, and malaria care – in many cases, this is their only lifeline,” said AHF President Michael Weinstein. “While this pledge is lower than the 2020 – 2022 commitment, we hope the UK government will consider making additional pledges over the next year or two. As one of the co-founding nations of the Global Fund, it would be a fitting gesture of leadership for His Majesty’s Government.”
The UK pledged 1.46 billion pounds in 2019 for the Sixth Replenishment, and 1 billion for the current Seventh Replenishment, which represents a 31% decrease in nominal terms, but because the Global Fund operates in US dollars and there’s high inflation, the purchasing power of the contribution will be even lower. Other major donors such as Germany, Canada, and Japan have increased their contributions by around 30%. In a historic milestone for AHF, the organization pledged $10 million to the Fund. Despite a strong showing from some donors, the fundraising efforts must continue as the Global Fund faces a shortfall of about $4 billion from its original goal of $18 billion.