November statewide California ballot measure would allow for expansion of rent control through repeal of the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, restoring decision-making on rent control to the local level.
AHF, one of the three proponents of Proposition 10, says its campaign contribution is in keeping with its strategy to ‘Prevent, Preserve & Produce’ in addressing the affordable and homeless housing crises roiling California and the nation. When passed by voters, Proposition 10 will allow communities the opportunity to preserve affordable housing stock by implementing rent control measures locally.
LOS ANGELES (August 7, 2018) AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization that currently cares for nearly one-million patients in 41 countries worldwide, has made a campaign contribution of $10 million to California’s Yes on 10 ballot measure campaign, a November 2018 ballot measure also known as Proposition 10 or the Affordable Housing Act. The ballot measure would allow for the expansion of rent control through the repeal of the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of 1995, which will restore decision-making on rent control to the local level.
“AHF is proud to announce this campaign contribution to the Yes on 10 campaign, a move in keeping with our overall philosophy to ‘Prevent, Preserve and Produce’ when it comes to addressing the affordable and homeless housing crises roiling California and the nation,” said Michael Weinstein, President of AHF, one of the three proponents of Proposition 10. “We know we will be significantly outspent by the opposition, backed by deep-pocketed developers and investors who continue to wreak havoc in the housing markets. The greed of these billionaire corporate landlords is causing widescale misery for millions of Californians, and the scourge of homelessness will get much worse because the rent is too damned high. The California dream is dying, and only the voters can save it in November.”
“The Board of Directors of AIDS Healthcare Foundation is fully behind AHF’s $10 million contribution to the Yes on 10 campaign, the ballot initiative which, when passed by voters in November, will allow for the expansion of rent control throughout California by returning decision-making to the local level—removing the near blanket prohibition on rent control from the ‘one-size fits all’ auspices of state control,” said Cynthia Davis, Chair of AHF’s Board of Directors. “We see firsthand the role that stable, affordable housing plays in the health and well-being of our patients. We also see the negative effect that out of control rents are having on our staff, who increasingly have to commute longer distances to work in our clinics and testing facilities. Clearly, the rent is too high, and it affects the well-being of thousands of Californians. We believe Proposition 10 is one way to provide relief and AHF is proud to support it.”
Over the past nine months, AHF has stepped up to address the growing affordable and homeless housing crises with the purchase and repurposing for homeless housing of three L.A. area hotels or motels. Since October 2017, AHF purchased the Madison and King Edward Hotels, both single room occupancy (SRO) hotels on L.A.’s Skid Row as well as the 27-unit Sunset 8 Motel in Hollywood—now rebranded as Sunrise on Sunset and housing formerly homeless families. By the end of
August, AHF will have created or repurposed 600 housing units in Greater Los Angeles and believes there are as many as 5,000 unoccupied SRO hotel rooms/units in Los Angeles that they and others—including the City of Los Angeles—could repurpose for housing.
AHF’s Housing Philosophy
Prevent gentrification and homelessness by keeping rents under control and discouraging evictions.
Preserve communities by supporting progressive land use policies that maintain neighborhood integrity.
Produce affordable housing through adaptive reuse and cost-effective new construction.
AHF is one of the three formal proponents of the Yes on Prop 10 campaign along with the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE Action) and the Eviction Defense Network (EDN). Proposition 10 has earned the broad support of over 150 labor, housing advocacy, community, and faith-based organizations throughout the state as well as the endorsement of the California Democratic Party during its recent convention on Oakland.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, currently provides medical care and/or services to over 968,000 individuals in 41 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region and Eastern Europe. To learn more about AHF, please visit our website:, find us on Facebook: and follow us on Instagram: @aidshealthcare