LA Condoms in Porn Film Permit Law Takes Effect

In News by AHF

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: AHF officials available for comment on status of historic City ordinance tying adult film permits to condom use in films; in January, L. A. City Council voted (11/1) to adopt measure

LOS ANGELES, CA (March 3, 2012)⎯AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) will host a media availability Sunday March 4 and Monday March 5 to comment on the status of implementation of an historic new City of Los Angeles ordinance that conditions the City’s issuance of adult film permits to condom use in the subsequent films produced. The measure officially goes into effect Monday March 5th after City Council voted (11 to 1) to adopt the measure into law rather than place it before voters during the next citywide election in June.

Historic City of Los Angeles condoms in porn film permit ordinance to take effect Monday, March 5th – AHF officials, primary backers of the ballot measure and ordinance available for comment.

WHEN: Sun, March 4 2012 and Mon, March 5 2012 throughout the day

Michael Weinstein, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, President & Ballot Measure Proponent Brian Chase, Assistant General Counsel, AIDS Healthcare Foundation Mark McGrath, AHF Consultant & Ballot Measure Proponent Miki (Marijane) Jackson, AHF Consultant & Ballot Measure Proponent

Ged Kenslea, AHF Dir. of Communications (323) 791-5526 mobile (323) 308-1833 work
Lori Yeghiayan Friedman, AHF Assoc. Dir. of Communications (323) 377-4312 M (323) 308-1834 W

The ordinance, backed by AHF and known as the ‘City of Los Angeles Safer Sex In The Adult Film Industry Act,’ qualified to be placed on the June 5, 2012 election. In early December, after adult film safety advocates submitted over 70,000 Los Angeles voter signatures—far more than the 41,000 needed to qualify the measure for election. By adopting the measure outright, the City Council saved what was expected to be the approximately $4 million cost of including the ordinance vote on the ballot.

In early January, the Los Angeles City Clerk certified the signatures and recommended that City Council either “…adopt the proposed ordinance, without alteration,” outright or “submit it” for the “regularly-scheduled State Primary Election” set for June 2012, which will be conducted by the County of Los Angeles.

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