In August 2011, the adult film industry in Los Angeles suspended filming after a performer tested HIV positive. Although Cal-OSHA, the state workplace safety organization, says the law requires the use of condoms on porn sets, the division isn’t able to perform the spot checks necessary to ensure compliance.
As AHF president Michael Weinstein asks, “How many performers must become infected with HIV and other serious STDs before the industry will clean up its act and government will do the right thing?”
The porn industry maintains that its voluntary monthly testing practices are protection enough for its actors. But those tests show infections after the fact, rather than preventing them from occurring. Meanwhile, the lack of condoms in straight adult films sends the message that safer sex isn’t sexy.
In an effort to put prevention first, AHF has launched the FAIR (For Adult Industry Responsibility) campaign. FAIR is gathering signatures for an initiative on July 2012’s ballot. If passed, the law would require condom use to get a permit to shoot an adult film in Los Angeles.